If we’re being honest, we’re not quite sure what week it is anymore. The time warp that has accompanied this pandemic means we’re both relieved and disappointed that it’s the beginning of May. At this time of year, we’re usually scrambling to print off promotional material, build displays, and research the best restaurants in whichever city is hosting the Congress of the Social Sciences and Humanities. Congress is the biggest event of our year and its 2020 cancellation means our spring looks very different. In order to create some variation in our weeks, we’re launching a Book of the Week campaign. For six weeks, we’ll be featuring one book per week and highlighting it from different angles. You’ll see newer releases, backlist gems, and a few of our bestselling titles.
Here’s the lineup for the next six weeks. We can’t wait to show you what we have in store! Follow along on social media with the hashtag #AUPBookOfTheWeek.

Rocks in the Water, Rocks in the Sun: A Memoir from the Heart of Haiti by Vilmond Joegodson Déralciné and Paul Jackson
![[book cover] Living on the Land](https://www.aupress.ca/app/uploads/120256_Living-on-the-Land-cover.jpg)
Living on the Land: Indigenous Women’s Understanding of Place edited by Nathalie Kermoal and Isabel Altamirano-Jiménez

Assessment Strategies for Online Learning: Engagement and Authenticity by Dianne Conrad and Jason Openo
![[book cover] Shape Your Eyes by Shutting Them](https://www.aupress.ca/app/uploads/120287_Shape-Your-Eyes-by-Shutting-Them-cover.jpg)
Shape Your Eyes by Shutting Them by Mark A. McCutcheon

![[book cover] Goodlands](https://www.aupress.ca/app/uploads/120192_Goodlands-cover.jpg)
Goodlands: A Meditation and History on the Great Plains by Frances W. Kaye