New books for Fall 2023! We are delighted to announce a new catalogue of forthcoming titles. This season includes additions to the Working Canadians series, a series from the Canadian Committee on Labour History that focuses on the lives and struggles of Canada’s working people, past and present, and on the unions and other organizations that workers founded to represent their interests. Also on deck are books on blended learning, activism, and a revised and updated edition of our popular book on law for kids!

Principles of Blended Learning: Shared Metacognition and Communities of Inquiry
Norman D. Vaughan, Deborah Dell, Martha Cleveland-Innes, and D. Randy Garrison
A theoretical grounding of approaches and practices is imperative to support blended learning and sustain change. In this volume, the authors further explore and refine the blended learning principles presented in their first book, Teaching in Blended Learning Environments: Creating and Sustaining Communities of Inquiry, with an added focus on designing, facilitating, and directing collaborative blended learning environments by emphasizing the concept of shared metacognition.
September 2023

Triumph and Solidarity: BC Communists in the Early Years of the Great Depression
Jon Bartlett
In this illuminating volume, Jon Bartlett follows the activities of BC Communists from the onset of the Great Depression to the coming of the Popular Front and investigates the collisions between these Communists and the organs of the federal, provincial, and municipal governments. Reflecting on the vectors of cultural resistance, from the creation of vernacular newspapers to the circulation of popular song and verse, Bartlett charts workers’ efforts to resist wage cutbacks in mines, mills, and the logging and fishing industries and describes the organization of opposition to the relief camps and its outcomes.
October 2023

Political Activist Ethnography: Studies in the Social Relations of Struggle
Edited by Agnieszka Doll, Laura Bisaillon, and Kevin Walby
As activists strategize, build resistance, and foster solidarity, they also call for better dialogue between researchers and movements and for research that can aid their causes. In this volume, contributors examine how research can produce knowledge for social transformation by using political activist ethnography, a unique social research strategy that uses political confrontation as a resource and focuses on moments and spaces of direct struggle to reveal how ruling regimes are organized so activists and social movements can fight them.
November 2023

Cape Breton in the Long Twentieth Century: Formations and Legacies of Industrial Capitalism
Edited by Lachlan MacKinnon and Andrew Parnaby
The emergence, dominance, and alarmingly rapid retreat of modernist industrial capitalism on Cape Breton Island during the “long twentieth century” offers a particularly captivating window on the lasting and varied effects of deindustrialization. Covering the period between 1860 and the early 2000s, this volume looks at trade unionism, state and cultural responses to deindustrialization, including the more recent pivot towards the tourist industry. the histories included here show how the interplay of the state, cultures, and transnational connections shaped how people navigated these heavy pressures, both individually and collectively.
January 2024

Also coming soon . . .
The Law Is (Not) for Kids: A Legal Rights Guide for Canadian Children and Teens, Second Edition
Ned Lecic and Marvin A. Zuker
Since its publication in 2019, this important and practical guide to the law has empowered and educated Canadian children and youth and those who serve them. The authors address questions about how rights and laws affect the lives of young people at home, at school, at work, and in their relationships as they draw attention to the many ways in which a person’s life can intersect with the law. This revised and updated edition reflects the progress that has occurred in Indigenous child welfare legislation. Updates also reflect amendments to the Youth Criminal Justice Act and the Divorce Act as well as amendments to a variety of provincial child and family laws.
July 2023