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International Museum Day was founded in 1977 as a day to celebrate the importance of museums to the development of society. Every year, on May 18, museums around the world…

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Canada’s largest academic conference, Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences, or “Congress,” is only weeks away! We’re thrilled to be sharing a booth once again with the University of…

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Actions and Words

We officially launched the RISE book club yesterday! Thanks to everyone who attended the event at City Hall. If you don’t know what the RISE book club is all about, check…

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Of Men and Cupcakes

“Cupcakes. The end is clearly near,” says Anthony Bourdain in an episode of The Layover. It’s clear, the man hates cupcakes. But what’s so bad about cupcakes and what does…

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The Importance of Winter

Although winter doesn’t officially start for another few weeks, we’ve already donned our toques and mitts and parkas. Here in Edmonton, the snow has finally started falling and we’re celebrating the…

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Consensus and Climate Change

On CBC’s As It Happens, Phil Plait, an astronomer and science writer, called Donald Trump’s plans to cut NASA’s climate change research “a horrible, horrible plan that will spell nothing…

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International Day of Peace

“Of one thing, then, I am certain: a science of nonviolent struggle is clearly possible and therefore deserves the attention of the scientific, activist, strategic, military, spiritual, and diplomatic communities,…

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BPAA Annual Conference

The Book Publishers Association of Alberta’s annual conference and awards gala was held this past weekend in Calgary. If you want to know what publishers talk about when they are…

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