Alternate Routes: A Journal of Critical Social Research
Editor-in-Chief: Carlo Fanelli, York University
Established in 1977 at the Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Carleton University, Alternate Routes is committed to creating outlets for critical social research and interdisciplinary inquiry. Alternate Routes seeks to be a public academic journal and encourages submissions that advance or challenge theoretical, historical and contemporary sociopolitical, economic and cultural issues.
ISSN (online): 1923-7081
International Journal of E-Learning & Distance Education / Revue internationale du e-learning et la formation à distance
Editor-in-Chief: Michelle Harrison, Thompson Rivers University
The International Journal of E-Learning & Distance Education is an international publication of the Canadian Network for Innovation in Education (CNIE) / Le Réseau canadien pour l’innovation en éducation (RCIÉ). Its aims are to promote and encourage scholarly work in e-learning and distance education and provide a forum for the dissemination of international scholarship. Original material in either English or French is invited in categories of research articles, research briefs or book reviews.
ISSN (online): 2292-8588
ISSN (print): 0702-8865
The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning (IRRODL)
Editor-in-Chief: Rory McGreal, Athabasca University
IRRODL is a refereed, open access e-journal that disseminates original research, theory, and best practice in open and distributed learning worldwide. The Journal targets both researchers and practitioners of open and distance education systems. It aims to improve the quality of basic and applied research while also addressing the need for the translation of this knowledge into policies and activities that improve educational opportunity for students and teachers.
ISSN (online): 1492-3831
Journal of Research Practice
Journal of Research Practice (JRP) seeks to develop our understanding of research as a type of practice, so as to extend and enhance that practice in the future. The journal aims to highlight the dynamics of research practice—as it unfolds in the life of a researcher, in the growth and decline of a field, and in relation to a changing social and institutional environment.
ISSN (online): 1712-851X
Labour/Le Travail
Editors: Joan Sangster, Trent University; Charles Smith, St. Thomas More College, University of Saskatchewan
Labour/Le Travail is the semi-annual publication of the Canadian Committee on Labour History. Since its first issue in 1976, it has carried many important articles in the fields of working-class history, industrial sociology, labour economics, and labour relations.
Publiée par le comité canadien sur l’histoire du travail deux fois par année, la revue Labour/Le Travail a fait paraître depuis 1976 plusieurs articles marquants dans le domaine de l’histoire de la classe ouvrière, de la sociologie industrielle, de l’économie du travail et des relations industrielles.
ISSN (online): 1911-4842
ISSN (print): 0700-3862
Oral History Forum d’histoire orale
Oral History Forum d’histoire orale is the online journal of the Canadian Oral History Association. It serves as the premier meeting place for scholars, archivists, librarians, community activists and others who use oral history in their explorations of the past and present.
ISSN (online): 1923-0567
The Trumpeter: Journal of Ecosophy
Editor-in-Chief: Nathan Kowalsky, St. Joseph’s College, University of Alberta
The Trumpeter is an environmental journal dedicated to the development of an ecosophy, or wisdom, born of ecological understanding and insight. As such, it serves the deep ecology movement’s commitment to explore and analyze philosophically relevant environmental concerns in light of ecological developments at every relevant level: metaphysics, science, history, politics. Gaining a deeper understanding involves a comprehensive set of criteria that includes analytical rigour, spiritual insight, ethical integrity, and aesthetic appreciation.
ISSN (online): 1705-9429