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425 Results Found

On Othering

Book In every sphere of life, division and intolerance have polarized communities and entire nations. The learned construction of the Other—an evil “enemy” against whom both physical and discursive violence is...

Barriers in a Virtual World

Blog ...accessible user interface. Retrieved from Second Life Wiki. (2011a). Accessibility. Retrieved from Second Life Wiki. (2011b). Dragon. Retrieved from   Athabasca University is committed to removing barriers...

Without Apology

Book ...abortion. Their thoughts typically owe more to human circumstance than to ideology, and without them, we run the risk of thinking and talking about the issue of abortion only in...

Book of the Week: Assessment Strategies for Online Learning

Blog ...consistently been one of the most important needs identified in several faculty development surveys, and despite the complexity involved in designing and conducting research, faculty development has a cumulative impact...

From Bricks to Brains

Book From Bricks to Brains introduces embodied cognitive science, and illustrates its foundational ideas through the construction and observation of LEGO Mindstorms robots. Discussing the characteristics that distinguish embodied cognitive science...


Book incomplete. Goodlands examines the settlers’ misguided theory, discussing the ideas that shaped its implementation, the forces that resisted it, and Indigenous ideologies about what it meant to make good...

Valences of Interdisciplinarity

Book ...areas of investigation emerged, enabling ever more precise research and increasingly nuanced arguments. In recent decades, however, challenges to the hegemony of disciplines have arisen, partly in response to a...

The Acute-Care Nurse Practitioner

Book ...their role. The Acute-Care Nurse Practitioner is based on in-depth interviews with twenty-six nurse practitioners working in acute-care settings within tertiary-care institutions all across Canada. Employing a hermeneutic approach, Rashotte...

Zeus and the Giant Iced Tea

Book ...fiction. Exploring the frenetic lives of Mexican cowboys, robots, sultans, Greek gods, and convenience store clerks, Zeus and the Giant Iced Tea shatters preconceived notions of poetry and instead offers...


Book Aurora: Interviews with Leading Thinkers and Writers is an open-access online publication providing interviews with leading scholars, artists and activists and highlighting various dimensions of their thinking and the implications of...