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380 Results Found

Familiar and Foreign

Book The current political climate of confrontation between Islamist regimes and Western governments has resulted in the proliferation of essentialist perceptions of Iran and Iranians in the West. Such perceptions do...

Interrogating Motherhood

Book ...women. To empower women, Rich proposed the use of the word “mothering”: a word intended to be female-defined. It is between these two ideas—that of a patriarchal history and a...

We Are Coming Home

Book ...of 2013, this book is also a tribute to his enduring relationships with the Blackfoot, to his rich and exemplary career, and to his commitment to innovation and mindful museum...

Communicating Food Values: Kraft Dinner® Unboxed

Blog ...person in the household.[x] Suspicion was also expressed about social research in several online responses, including this one: “What I would like to know is: a) How this study could...

How Canadians Communicate III

Book What does Canadian popular culture say about the construction and negotiation of Canadian national identity? This third volume of How Canadians Communicate describes the negotiation of popular culture across terrains...

Resisting the Dehumanization of Refugees

Book Refugees face distinct challenges and are often subject to dehumanization by politicians, media, and the public. In this context, Resisting the Dehumanization of Refugees provides urgent insights and policy relevant...

The Acute-Care Nurse Practitioner

Book ...their role. The Acute-Care Nurse Practitioner is based on in-depth interviews with twenty-six nurse practitioners working in acute-care settings within tertiary-care institutions all across Canada. Employing a hermeneutic approach, Rashotte...


Book reviving knowledge of and interest in Aboriginal art. She did so with the deft and heartfelt use of both her voice and her hands. Over the course of many...