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238 Results Found

Two Years of Open Book Blog

Blog It’s hard to believe that we have been writing this blog for two years and that we have been publishing books for ten years! Today we are celebrating these milestones...

Transform Your City

Blog be involved in. These are all examples of social economies that emphasize mutual benefit rather than the accumulation of profit. With these three books in your library, you’ll be...


Blog ...the signing of a memorandum between British Columbia, Alberta, and Saskatchewan that recognizes “the benefits of sharing existing Open Education Resources with a focus on mutual areas of interest.” The...

About Women by Women: International Women’s Day

Blog Today is International Women’s Day, a day where we celebrate the achievements of women in all areas. Inspired by Loganberry Books in Ohio, we are highlighting our female authors and...

Open Access Week 2020

Blog ...that has influenced each year since 1994. The Art of Communication in a Polarized World by Kyle Conway The Art of Communication in a Polarized World is an essential guide...

Day One: Natalie Lochwin

Blog ...past I have been ashamed of. Yet it also shaped me and is part of what, ironically, made me who I am today.   This, in the end, is a...

Five Climate Justice Books for Open Access Week

Blog ...and tackling the climate crisis requires the rapid exchange of knowledge across geographic, economic, and disciplinary boundaries.” Today, we are sharing five books containing essential research that will inform...

Controlling Knowledge

Book Digital communications technology has immeasurably enhanced our capacity to store, retrieve, and exchange information. But who controls our access to information, and who decides what others have a right to...

For A Working-Class Culture in Canada

Book This book sets out to present the economic and social writings of Colin McKay, a pioneer Marxian sociologist and economist in Canada (and no relation to the author), and to...