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238 Results Found

Assessment Strategies for Online Learning: MOOCs

Blog ...Davidson, C. (2014, March 14). Changing higher education to change the world [Blog post]. Retrieved from Newton, D. (2015). The (accidental) power of MOOCs. The Atlantic. Retrieved from

No Ordinary Strike

Blog ...from crossing the line. In the world of modern labour relations, the angry energy once associated with strikes has largely been drowned in a sea of legal restrictions. Laws governing...

Consensus and Climate Change

Blog what is now being called the “post-truth world.” Keren and Hawkins search for truth and democracy in millions of online comments and in the hundreds of statements by public...

Back to School: Five Books on Education and Pedagogy

Blog The rapid pivot to online education following the outbreak of COVID-19 has meant universities and other schools around the world were suddenly leaning heavily on educational technology to facilitate remote...

An Open Access Reading List

Blog learning and download the Portuguese translation on our reading platform. The Art of Communication in a Polarized World by Kyle Conway explores how individuals can come to understand another...

International Women’s Day 2024

Blog ...Day that reflect the diversity of lived experiences of women from around the world. Amma’s Daughters: A Memoir by Meenal Shrivastava In this re-memory, Meenal Shrivastava, uncovers the history of...

On a Deserted Island with AU Press

Blog ...never visited the iconic location in southern Alberta, but it is on my bucket list, and I’m hoping this book will make my first visit to the UNESCO World Heritage...