Search Results for: ❤️ BESTE DATING SITE️: ❤️ Neurofysiologisch Basis Van Beweging Online Dating

294 Results Found

Making Game

Book Making Game is a mixed-genre composition in which the author reflects on the philosophical and ethical implications of hunting wild game. This engaging essay is informed by the author’s significant...

Expansive Discourses

Book A groundbreaking study of urban sprawl in Calgary after the Second World War. The interactions of land developers and the local government influenced how the pattern grew: developers met market...

C’est le temps d’en parler

Book La biographie de Marie-Louise Bouchard Labelle raconte la vie d’une jeune Canadienne d’humble origine qui tombe en amour avec le curé de son village, et qui en subit les terribles...

Avant et Après La Prostatectomie Radicale

Book Avant et après la prostatectomie radicale is a research-based, comprehensive, and comprehensible resource on prostate surgery in Canada. Aimed at men, and their families, with concerns about prostate surgery, this...

Of Sunken Islands and Pestilence

Book Edward Taylor Fletcher was born in England in 1817 and arrived in Canada as a young boy. An important figure in Canadian literature, Fletcher’s writing was almost entirely forgotten by...

More Moments in Time

Book Within most disciplines, there are those who are recognized by their colleagues as being exceptionally competent practitioners. These individuals do their work in such a remarkable way as to become...

Publish With Us

...our Awards and Recognition page. Creative and Comprehensive Marketing Each book published by AU Press receives its own marketing campaign. The immediate online access provided by our open access mandate...

Back to School: Five Books on Education and Pedagogy

Blog The rapid pivot to online education following the outbreak of COVID-19 has meant universities and other schools around the world were suddenly leaning heavily on educational technology to facilitate remote...

Open Access Week: Our Most Downloaded Books

Blog ...sharing five books with the most downloads over the past twelve months. The Theory and Practice of Online Learning edited by Terry Anderson is an award-winning guide to the complexities...

University Press Week Blog Tour 2017

Blog the important work of scholars. To achieve greater transparency and to move beyond sharing information on a need-to-know basis, we decided to find ways to connect more purposefully with...