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238 Results Found

Back to School: Five Books on Education

Blog The rapid pivot to online education following the outbreak of COVID-19 has meant universities and other schools around the world were suddenly leaning heavily on educational technology to facilitate remote...

The Importance of Winter

Blog ...“podium performances”) to become “a world leader in high-performance sport.”[1] This initiative was clearly motivated by the patriotic goal of enhancing Canada’s position in global sport and thereby building national...

Five Books for Indigenous History Month

Blog “wife.” Ten children I bore to add to our home, Love flourished and grew in my heart of stone. Give your love to the world and you’re never alone...

Back to School: AU Press’s Top Course Texts

Blog ...Machine: Rival Images of a New World in 1930s Vancouver This book explores the connections between the history of transiency and that of Fordism, offering a new interpretation of the...

Book of the Week: Living on the Land

Blog ...stand in this world?” Chapter 2: “Double Consciousness and Nehiyawak (Cree) Perspectives: Reclaiming Indigenous Women’s Knowledge” by Shalene Jobin “The sense of “two-ness,” of an internal struggle between two warring...

BPAA Annual Conference

Blog ...presentation on The Economic World of Book Publishers, noted that book prices have been stuck since 1997. We wish everything else was still priced like the 90s. Two librarians from...

Spring 2019 at AU Press

Blog ...Russia, or activism in 1960s Alberta. Here’s a brief overview of what you’ll learn from our forthcoming 2019 titles. From Turtle Island to Gaza by David Groulx With a sure...

The History of Ed Tech in a Time of Crisis: Key Takeaways

Blog The rapid pivot to online education following the COVID-19 outbreak has universities around the world leaning heavily on educational technology to facilitate remote lectures, exams, meetings, conferences, and more. But...