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425 Results Found

Book of the Week: An Excerpt from Goodlands

Blog ...of ranchers, they dig holes in pastures, where large and commercially valuable animals like cows and horses can fall and break their large and commercially valuable legs. On the other...

Mark A. McCutcheon

Contributor ...and short fiction in literary magazines like EVENT, Existere, Carousel, and subTerrain. Originally from Toronto, Mark lives in Edmonton. His scholarly blog is and he’s on Twitter as @sonicfiction....

Canadian Theatre Encyclopedia

Book The Canadian Theatre Encyclopedia is an ongoing, highly accessible database of information about Canadian actors, playwrights, directors, producers, designers, theatre organizations and institutions, composers, and plays that is available to...

Happy Labour Day!

Blog ...who are interested in understanding why injuries happen and what can be done to prevent these injuries.   Q: Your book is unique in its argument that the conflicting interests...

The Wolves at My Shadow

Blog ...her family’s escape from Nazi Germany, through Russia, to Japan. The following excerpt is from early in the book when the Rothschilds are still living in Berlin. It is 1932...

Critical Thinking, Logic, and Argument

Book Thinking critically is a complicated but important endeavour that involves learning how to think clearly, acquiring problem-solving skills, and applying these skills in real life contexts. This text offers students an...

National Aboriginal Day 2017

Blog Canda Indigenous Canada MOOC: This 12-week course is taught from an indigenous perspective and explores Indigenous histories and contemporary issues in Canada. You can audit the course for free...

Fall 2020 at AU Press

Blog ...if it now exists. Unlike the present moment, which is real and occurring, hope is speculative, an abstraction projected into the future. And by hoping ourselves into the future, we...

The Truth about Open Access Publishing

Blog Since Athabasca University Press was founded ten years ago as Canada’s first open access press, interest in open access publishing has increased significantly. In fact, several university presses in Canada...