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112 Results Found

Principles of Blended Learning

Book The rapid migration to remote instruction during the Covid-19 pandemic has expedited the need for more research, expertise, and practical guidelines for online and blended learning. A theoretical grounding of...

Metaphors of Ed Tech

Book Listen to the accompanying podcast at The criticisms leveled at online education during the Covid-19 pandemic revealed not only a lack of understanding about how educational technology can be...

Julie Rak

Contributor Julie Rak is Associate Professor of English at the University of Alberta. Her current work explores the links between the public sphere, auto/biography, and popular culture in Canada and the...

Forthcoming Books

...which children and youth are constrained by social, cultural, political, and economic forces and how they overcome the… Read more An Honourable and Impartial Tribun*]}*al The Court Martial of Major...

Assessment Strategies for Online Learning: MOOCs

Blog ...reinforces an unequal playing field. In a society where people start out unequal, educational opportunity—especially postsecondary educational opportunity dictated by test scores and grades—can become a dodge, a way of...

Book of the Week: Assessment Strategies for Online Learning

Blog ...consistently been one of the most important needs identified in several faculty development surveys, and despite the complexity involved in designing and conducting research, faculty development has a cumulative impact...


Book ...the evolution of Hart’s poetry. Of Musing, Teskey writes: “These deeply thoughtful poems bring layered historical consciousness into the sonnet. They also touch and stir the heart through all its...

How Education Works

Book ...and the fundamental differences between online and in-person learning. Ultimately, How Education Works articulates how practitioners in education can usefully understand technology, education, and their relationship to improve teaching practice....

Under the Nakba Tree

Book ...tell his story but to realize many of the intergenerational and colonial traumas that he shares with the Indigenous people of Turtle Island. His moving memoir depicts the lives of...