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Fossil Capital and Its Accomplices

Blog ...Canada’s fossil capital industry.   You can listen to the interview on your favourite podcast platform, including Spotify: Planet Haliburton | Podcast on Spotify and Apple: ‎Planet Haliburton: Planet haliburton-Regime...

Recognizing Treaty 6

Blog ...Nations peoples in Canada, and the Plains Cree were the original inhabitants of the area we now call Edmonton. Edmonton’s Cree name is amiskwaciwâskahikan (“uh-missk-wuh-chi-wask-hag-in”), which is most often translated...

About Women by Women: International Women’s Day

Blog Naomi McIlwraith On the complexities of motherhood In addition to its universal nature, motherhood also provides a lens through which to view the complex world that women inhabit in...

A Refugee’s Story: Leaving Iran

Blog ...been unknown to his family.[inlinetweet prefix=”null” tweeter=”null” suffix=”null”] In Leaving Iran, Farideh Goldin explores her role in Baba’s life alongside his recounted experiences.[/inlinetweet] The following excerpt is the beginning of...

Five Books for Indigenous History Month

Blog ...must speak of From “ê-wîtisânîhitoyâhk asici pîkiskwêwin ~ Language Family” in kiyâm by Naomi McIlwraith I learned a Cree word. I quite like it. kôhkomipaninawak — cucumbers. All these little...

Translated Books You Need to Read

Blog ...a blue sky; time makes it dull and grey. Remembrance turns it into the deep blue of evening, before it becomes a thick night. There is some other place between...

Poets on Poetry: World Poetry Day

Blog ...over, rehearsing them until you know you sound fluent: ninôhtê-nêhiyawân ayisk ê-kî-pakaskît nohtâwîpan. ayîki-sâkahikanihk ohci wiya mâka môya ê-kî-nêhiyâwit, kî-môniyâwiw. êkwa mîna ê-âpihtawikosisâniskwêwit nikâwiy. –an excerpt from “The Road to...

Spring 2019 at AU Press

Blog ...forward to a new catalogue season because it means we have the opportunity to learn something new—whether it’s the history of Vorkuta, the site of an infamous gulag in northern...