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380 Results Found

Provincial Solidarities

Book ...realities of life and work in a bilingual society. A pioneering study, written in clear and forceful prose, this is the untold story of provincial labour solidarities that succeeded in...

The Digital Nexus

Book ...twisted into gargoyles and grotesques. Familiar institutions and associations seem at times menacing and malignant. These multiple transformations, which are the normal consequence of introducing new media into any society...

Before and After Radical Prostate Surgery

Book Before and After Radical Prostate Surgery is a research-based, comprehensive, and comprehensible resource on prostate surgery in Canada. Aimed at men with concerns about prostate surgery and their partners, this...

The Metabolism of Desire

Book ...nuovo, the “sweet new style” that emerged in thirteenth-century Florence. While Dante’s poetry was devoted to his childhood sweetheart, Beatrice, Cavalcanti’s poetry had more the tang of real-world experience: he...

Living on the Land

Book ...expertise of Métis women in western Canada to the mapping and securing of land rights in Nicaragua, Living on the Land focuses on the integral role of women as stewards...

Without Apology

Book ...we hear women speak publicly about abortion, the voices are usually those of the leaders of women’s and abortion rights organizations, women who hold political office, and, on occasion, female...

Cape Breton in the Long Twentieth Century

Book ...effects of deindustrialization. Now, at the tail end of the industrial moment in North American history, the story of Cape Breton Island presents an opportunity to reflect on how industrialization...

Teaching in Blended Learning Environments

Book Teaching in Blended Leaning Environments provides a coherent framework in which to explore the transformative concept of blended learning. Blended learning can be defined as the organic integration of thoughtfully...


Book ...the land. Settlers justified this transformation with the unexamined premise of deficiency, according to which the Great Plains region was inadequate in flora and fauna and the region lacking in...

Forthcoming Books

...and reality come together in sports and Jamie Dopp argues that nowhere is this blurring of the borders of reality more evident than in Canadian hockey. Using imagination as… Read...