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25 Years of Ed Tech

Book ...and effective implementation of ed tech across higher education. From Bulletin Board Systems to blockchain, Weller follows the trajectory of education by focusing each chapter on a technology, theory, or...


Book Aurora: Interviews with Leading Thinkers and Writers is an open-access online publication providing interviews with leading scholars, artists and activists and highlighting various dimensions of their thinking and the implications of...

Flexible Pedagogy, Flexible Practice

Book ...for whose benefit? And who or what is resisting it? What challenges must be overcome in order to achieve flexibility, and what are some of the compromises it can entail?...

Mobile Learning

Book This collection is for anyone interested in the use of mobile technology for various distance learning applications. Readers will discover how to design learning materials for delivery on mobile technology...

Transparent Lives

Book ...price we pay for using social media and other forms of electronic communication, or should we be wary of systems that make us visible—and thus vulnerable—to others as never before?...

Fall 2024 at AU Press

Blog ...essay, based on her writer-in-residence lecture at Athabasca University, Kostash offers a self-critical reflection on her past writing and considers how her visits to Ukraine and the ongoing war have...

Public Intellectuals and the Online Forum

Blog ...public intellectuals. However, the findings in this book are also important for the average social media user to understand how their own online discourse is shaping public life. Here are...

Zeus and the Giant Iced Tea

Book Crafting wings out of wax and poems from the underground, Zeus and the Giant Iced Tea is a dreamlike voyage through poetic narrative format, blurring the line between poetry and...

Connecting Canadians

Book Connecting Canadians represents the work of the Community Research Alliance for Community Innovation and Networking (CRACIN), the largest national and international research effort to examine the burgeoning field of community...