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238 Results Found

Fighting for Dignity

Book ...killed while trying to evade conscription during World War I. The Military police officer responsible claimed he shot only in self-defence, but rumors have since persisted that foul play was...

Little Wet-Paint Girl

Book ...Younsi takes the reader on a surreal odyssey through a liminal world of belonging and unbelonging, absence and presence, mind and body. Her visionary work, first published in French and...

The Wolves at My Shadow

Book ...of life in Berlin, the long train journey through Russia, and her time in Japan during World War II. Each leg of the journey presents its own nightmare: passports are...

Mountain Masculinity

Book ...leave the industrialized world behind. In the writings of his persona “ Tex,” Vernon-Wood created an image of the frontier that blended the West of his guiding experiences with the...

Communicating Food Values: Kraft Dinner® Unboxed

Blog ...Michael V. Hayes, Ian Ross, Robert A. Hackett, Donald Gutstein, and James R. Dunn. 2007. “Spreading the News: Social Determinants of Health Reportage in Canadian Daily Newspapers.” Canadian Journal of...

How Canadians Communicate V

Book Fewer Canadians than ever are lacing up skates, swimming lengths at the pool, practicing their curve ball, and experiencing the thrill of competition. However, despite a decline in active participation,...

Leaving Iran

Book In 1976, at the age of twenty-three, Farideh Goldin left Iran in search of her imagined America. She sought an escape from the suffocation she felt under the cultural rules...

Thoughts on Translation: Spark of Light

Blog ...bold—and capture the predicament of characters who often live on the margins of society in a shadowy and grim world. We asked a few translators to comment on why they...

We’re Turning One!

Blog publishing news in these virtual pages. Today, we are sharing our favourite posts from the past twelve months below and giving you a sneak peek at some upcoming posts....