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Assessment Strategies for Online Learning: MOOCs

Blog ...improvements in instructional design and a gain in recognition, may eventually take an important place in the educational landscape. In an odd twist, MOOC participants tend to themselves be educators...

Through Feminist Eyes

Book ...In so doing, she sheds new light on issues that have sparked much debate among feminist historians and offers a thoughtful overview of the evolution of women’s history in Canada....

Visiting With the Ancestors

Book ...and inspires pride in Blackfoot cultural heritage. Visiting-with-the-Ancestors-interior-fixed-60 Visiting-with-the-Ancestors-interior-fixed_Page_015 Visiting with the Ancestors interior (fixed) 70 Visiting with the Ancestors interior (fixed) 52 Visiting with the Ancestors interior (fixed) 186_large...

What Is Cognitive Psychology?

Book ...the architecture of cognition and better understand its role in debates about its true nature. This volume offers a deeper understanding of cognitive psychology and presents ideas for integrating traditional...

Liberalism, Surveillance, and Resistance

Book Canada is regularly presented as a country where liberalism has ensured freedom and equality for all. Yet with the expansion of settlers into the First Nations territories that became southern...

The Digital Nexus

Book ...environment focused on its potential rather than its profound impact on every sphere of civic, commercial, and private life. The totalizing scope of the combined effects of computerization and the...

Ordering Information

Our print and digital books are available for order through most major online book vendors in Canada and around the world. Order Online You can order any AU Press book...

How Canadians Communicate V

Book ...never has it been more driven by commercial interests and the need to fuel consumerism, on which corporate profits depend. But the power plays now occurring in the arena of...

Alberta’s Lower Athabasca Basin

Book ...use the evidence gained through research and compliance studies to offer new insights into human and natural history. They also examine the challenges of managing this irreplaceable heritage resource in...