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Voices of the Land

Book The sound of the wind across a Prairie field, the smell of grass on the first day of spring, the vocalization of birds in the early morning woods, the silence...

Provincial Solidarities

Book Established in 1913, the New Brunswick Federation of Labour is the second oldest provincial federation of labour in Canada. Its history began in early campaigns for workers’ compensation and union...

Solidarités provinciales

Book La Fédération des travailleurs et travailleuses du Nouveau-Brunswick, fondée en 1913, est la deuxième plus ancienne fédération provinciale du travail au Canada. Son histoire remonte aux premières campagnes en faveur...

Vivre à nu

Book Nombre de Canadiens savent que les organismes du gouvernement s’adonnent à de la surveillance de masse en utilisant les données téléphoniques et électroniques. Néanmoins, peu d’entre eux sont réellement conscients...

The Medium Is the Monster

Book Technology, a word that emerged historically first to denote the study of any art or technique, has come, in modernity, to describe advanced machines, industrial systems, and media. McCutcheon argues...

Before and After Radical Prostate Surgery

Book Before and After Radical Prostate Surgery is a research-based, comprehensive, and comprehensible resource on prostate surgery in Canada. Aimed at men with concerns about prostate surgery and their partners, this...

Back to School: Five Books on Education

Blog The rapid pivot to online education following the outbreak of COVID-19 has meant universities and other schools around the world were suddenly leaning heavily on educational technology to facilitate remote...

Barriers in a Virtual World

Blog ...does in webinars and online conferences.   References 3Dconnection. (2011). Space NavigatorTM. Retrieved from Dragon Dictate. (2012). Dragon Dictate 3. Retrieved from IBM. (2011). IBM AbilityLab virtual worlds...