Search Results for: ❤️ Treffisivusto: ❤️ Leeann Tweeden Dating

219 Results Found

Critical Digital Pedagogy in Higher Education

Book Recent efforts to solve the problems of education—created by neoliberalism in and out of higher education—have centred on the use of technology that promises efficiency, progress tracking, and automation. The...


Book Through poems that move between the two languages, McIlwraith explores the beauty of the intersection between nêhiyawêwin, the Plains Cree language, and English, âkayâsîmowin. Written to honour her father’s facility...

Finding Refuge in Canada

Book Millions of people are displaced each year by war, persecution, and famine and the global refugee population continues to grow. Canada has often been regarded as a benevolent country, welcoming...

How to Read Like You Mean It

Book To read like you mean it is to find ways to live with other people, exploring their worlds as they explore yours.” Kyle Conway In this candid and concise volume,...

The Metabolism of Desire

Book The fact that Cavlacanti’s friend, Dante Alighieri, was a supremely fine poet ought not blind us to Cavalcanti’s own, rather different excellence. Both men were attracted to the dolce stil...

Reel Time

Book In this authoritative work, Seiler and Seiler argues that the establishment and development of moviegoing and movie exhibition in Prairie Canada is best understood in the context of changing late-nineteenth-century...

Hobohemia and the Crucifixion Machine

Book In the early years of the Great Depression, thousands of unemployed homeless transients settled into Vancouver’s “hobo jungle.” The jungle operated as a distinct community, in which goods were exchanged...

Resisting the Dehumanization of Refugees

Book Refugees face distinct challenges and are often subject to dehumanization by politicians, media, and the public. In this context, Resisting the Dehumanization of Refugees provides urgent insights and policy relevant...

The Wages of Relief

Book In the early part of the Dirty Thirties, the Canadian prairie city was a relatively safe haven. Having faced recession before the Great War and then again in the early...

Sociocultural Systems

Book Macrosociology—the study of large-scale social structures and the fundamental principles of social organization—was the style of sociology practiced by the founders of the discipline. Today, the social theories of Karl...