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109 Results Found

Le conseiller pédagogique réflexif

Book Transformer un organisme qui dispense des cours traditionnels en un organisme qui offre des cours à distance et en ligne n’est pas une entreprise de tout repos. Il faut comprendre...

Lost Tracks

Book While contemporaries and historians alike hailed the establishment of Buffalo National Park in Wainwright, Alberta as a wildlife saving effort, the political climate of the early twentieth century worked against...

Liberalism, Surveillance, and Resistance

Book Canada is regularly presented as a country where liberalism has ensured freedom and equality for all. Yet with the expansion of settlers into the First Nations territories that became southern...

The History of Ed Tech in a Time of Crisis

Blog The rapid pivot to online education following the COVID-19 outbreak has universities around the world leaning heavily on educational technology to facilitate remote lectures, exams, meetings, conferences, and more. But...

Spring 2020 at AU Press

Blog ...mean, both for society more generally and for higher education in particular. Some academics considered it to be a fad. One colleague dismissed my idea of a fully online course...

Communicating Food Values: Kraft Dinner® Unboxed

Blog ...insecurity, and that ignorance of poverty exists in mainstream culture. A news conference took place to facilitate interviews with reporters. The resulting coverage included online bulletins, radio interviews, and television...

Privacy Policy we have the ability to monitor user activity and accounts. We reserve the right to remove annotations and user accounts at our discretion. Analytics Our online reading platform records...

Athabasca University Press

New Release Writing Ukraine Myrna Kostash’s term as writer in residence at Athabasca University began shortly after the escalation of the Russo-Ukrainian War in 2022. In this essay, based on...

About Us

...model, AU Press makes its publications freely available to readers online. Find out how and why we are committed to open access. About Open Access Our Team We work with...


Anthropology Archaeology Business and Economics Leadership Canadian Studies Communication Studies Food Computing Cultural Studies Film Technology and Society Education Online Pedagogy Environmental Studies French Titles Gender Studies Women Geography and...